Concert & Dialogue with Igor Levit
Yes to Jewish Life in Europe - No to any form of anti-Semitism
A moving evening at the opening of the supporting event for the Charlemagne Prize 2024 in Aachen's Coronation Hall. Culture and politics say yes to Jewish life in Europe and no to any form of anti-Semitism.
Working together for a more humane society is the common goal of the Abraham Accords Institute and the Charlemagne Prize. And this signal also emanates from this year's award of the Charlemagne Prize to Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt .
Pianist Igor Levit opened the event with a performance of Beethoven and Brahms, thereby initiating the discussion that followed. Minister Cem Özdemir MdB, Senator for Justice Felor Badenberg, Tanit Koch and Armin Laschet MdB spoke about the need to stand up against all forms of anti-Semitism in an enriching exchange in front of over 750 guests.